Target Beauty Box

Target Beauty Box Get your Target Beauty Box for only $5! Includes awesome deluxe samples from Target and you can reuse the box! I plan on using mine for lunches! Go grab it before it is gone!

Awkward Pregnancy Photos

Awkward Pregnancy Photos Who doesn’t love a good awkward photo? I love the awkward family photos, but the pregnancy photos are the best! Check them out! Do you have any awkward photos to share?

Mystery Candles

Ohhhhh sounds mysterious!! I stumbled across this business on Facebook. I love candles and am always searching for a company that cares about their customers. There is another online candle shop that is getting too big for their britches (I won’t say which, but it starts with a D). They stopped caring about quality and…

Smiley360 Tiny Trinkets

Smiley360 Tiny Trinkets Do I ever love Tiny Trinkets!! My last order came in 3 boxes! I love their jelly jars. You can place them in each room of the house and they give off the best scents! I have fresh linen in the laundry room, lavender in the bathroom, citrus in the kitchen and…

Home made air freshener from Crafts Corner

Crafts Corner I was roaming around and I came across a recipe for homemade air freshener. This intrigued me! These gel air fresheners are the perfect.This project takes a total of five minutes to make, is highly economical, and each jar should last you about a month. This would also make great gifts! -Chera Into…

Bacon month!

Bacon month! Bacon month starts tomorrow! Who doesn’t love bacon??

Nerd Train

Dance moms wearing the Nerd Train glasses! I have an 11 year old daughter in dance and we spend a lot of our time at dance competition!


Crowdtap This is one of my favorite websites! You get to talk about brands that you LOVE and they repay you by giving you points to turn in to your favorite charity (mine is Susan G Komen) or you can turn them in for Amazon gift cards! They also do awesome sample and shares. In…

Well, here we are.

I decided to start a blog because I realized that not everyone cares about everything I have to say on Facebook! So this is the place you will find my random thoughts, funny things, pictures that I didn’t post on Facebook and freebie websites. All of the things I love!!